RADCOM'S new high performance probe platform, the R70, has been designed to specifically address the network topologies and traffic characteristics associated with an IMS environment in an NGN network. IMS monitoring is provided as part of the Omni-Q solution.
Cellular technologies bring new services to the evolving telecommunications market. RADCOM offers a wide range of high performance cellular service assurance and testing technologies, and is constantly developing innovative solutions to support them.
Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) is a general term for systems where television and/or video signals are distributed to subscribers or viewers using a broadband connection over Internet Protocol.
Voice over IP (VoIP) describes the routing of voice calls over the Internet or any other IP-based network. RADCOMs provides strong support for such technologies.
Video service has been identified as a promising service for Next Generation Networks. RADCOM provides comprehensive video analysis for both Wireline applications and cellular applications
Wireline technologies include those used by traditional PSTN operators and ILECs using simple wires to carry data and voice. RADCOM's traditional solutions provide support for Wireline technologies.
Cable TV technology is a broadband communication technolgy where a number of televison channels are transmitted to a variety of locations. RADCOM's Omni-Q as well as the MediaPro application provide unique solutions for testing Cable technology.
A wide variety of technologies are used for data/IP protocols. RADCOM's expert knowledge in these areas enables us to develop sophisticated customized solutions for these technologies.