Network GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS Monitoring

Wireless connection troubleshooting: Using RADCOM's quality management solutions for EDGE/GPRS/GSM/UMTS monitoring, testing and wireless network troubleshooting, cellular vendors and operators can meet the most challenging tasks in today's next-generation network environment.


Long-term, real-time EDGE/GPRS/GSM/UMTS monitoring and analysis applications provide:
  • Best of breed KPI/KQI creation
  • Service quality parameter measurements
  • Data on network usage trends
  • Statistics on roaming and roamers
  • UTRAN information
  • Online alarms and alerts
  • Call procedure analysis


GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS Monitoring and Optimizing Benefits


RADCOM’s wireless EDGE/GPRS/GSM/UMTS monitoring tools help to optimize, calibrate and troubleshoot 2G, 2.5G and 3G networks during network setup, integration and operation, as well as during vendors' R&D and QA integration tests.

The system allows users to collect data from probes dispersed throughout the network. Integration of this information then provides an end-to-end view of network activity and the ability to follow individual calls as they pass through the various interfaces, with drilldown to the session level.

The Omni-Q Cellular Monitoring solution meets current and future demands both for greater wideband capability and convergence needs of VoIP and Cellular network services, providing intensive hardware pre-processing and analysis of monitored data to support these wideband technologies.



UMTS Monitoring Solution Components

 Radio Analysis - Radio Access Network
Real-time traffic analysis, fault detection, troubleshooting and data collection for GSM and UMTS radio access networks.
 Core Network
Real-time traffic analysis, fault detection, troubleshooting and data collection for CS and PS core networks.

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Related Info

| Related Material
 2.5/3G Networks Monitoring

 Cellular Expert Data Sheet

 Mobile Service MNG Data Sheet

 World of GPRS Poster

 World of UMTS Poster

| Related Solutions
 Cellular Testing Solutions

| Related Technologies
 Cellular Service Assurance and Testing


 UMTS Troubleshooting